Friday, June 1, 2012

Snow White and the Huntsman - Not the Disney version

Who would have thunk that in 2012 we would have 2 different Snow White movies 75 years after Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs?  The first one starring Julia Roberts was for kids and was pretty bad.  It's just a blip on Julia's stellar movie radar.  We will always forgive her for Mirror Mirror every time we watch Richard Gere drive up in that limo holding those flowers with the opera playing in the background at the end of Pretty Woman.  The second movie starring Kristen Stewart, Charlize Theron, and Chris Hemsworth is so much more entertaining and enjoyable, but fun with bright colors, happy magical moments, and singing dwarfs with similar names, Snow White and the Huntsman is not.

This movie is a very dark artistic version of the german "Snow White" by The Brothers Grimm.  There are dwarfs (8 not 7); there are magical moments using dark magic, and that fairytale aspect is there, but it's not in your face with a sappy happy ending that you find at the end of all Disney movies.  It is pretty much the same story with a few difference so I don't really need to give you a brief synopsis, but I will say this isn't a movie about how love conquers all and how a man comes to the rescue to save a woman.  So if you are looking for a great romantical date movie, this ain't it.

Even though I'm not a fan of Kristen Stewart because I feel like she always looks and acts as if her dog died, she did a decent job in this movie.  She didn't have a lot of lines (thank goodness), but there was an intensity to her eyes that was necessary for some scenes or maybe she was constipated.  I can never tell with her.  I feel like she's had an acting coach or two since Twilight.  Maybe she gave Beyonce's coach a call.  Whomever she's using got her to open her mouth and speak clearly (a reason why I feel she used the same one as Bey); now if only he/she can get her to smile and it not look like the world is ending.  

Charlize Theron is the #1 reason why I wanted to see this movie.  She's one of my favorite actresses.  As much as it pains me to say this, she overacted just a tad bit.  She looked flawless doing it, but unlike Kristen, there was too much intensity, yelling, and melodrama.  There's nothing like a great death (this isn't a spoiler alert.  We all know the evil queen dies.), but it did seem a little forced.  It's really not that big of an issue and doesn't take away from the movie too much, but if your a Charlize fan, you may be a little disappointed...just a wee bit.  

The eye candy that is Chris Hemsworth (I REALLY MUST SEE THOR!) and the classicness of this movie is enough for me to say go see it.  I may even add it to my dvd collection.  Unless some super awesome indie film comes out in the next few months, I definitely see this moving receiving Academy Award nods for set design, costume, and make-up.  The artistry of this movie alone is fantastic and will be missed on the small screen, so don't miss out on seeing it at the cinema.  Oh, and leave the small kids at home.  This isn't the movie for them.


  1. It was directed by a video game big-wig, so that might explain why you liked the visuals so much.

  2. Maybe, but it was more like Black Swan. It think the visual was meant to be artistic to go along with the interpretation of the story. An average visualization would have just made the interpretation come off as amateur or cheesy.
