Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Django Unchained - Another great Tarantino

I live in NYC and in NY there's something called a Jewish Christmas.  It may be called that in more places than in NY, but we've never heard of such a thing in Texas where I was born and raised.  A Jewish Christmas includes going to the movies and eating Chinese food since those are about the only two things open on Christmas Day.  Well, this Christian here who works at a Jewish Community center is getting in the spirit.  I went to the movies this morning and we are having Hibachi for dinner.  Not Chinese, but close enough.  Although, I intended to see Les Miserable and Django Unchained today, I was only able to see Django (I'm seeing Les Mis tomorrow).  As my aunt keeps saying, "who wants to see a slave movie on Christmas?"  Me and all the other people who filled up the theater this morning.

Django Unchained is another Quentin Tarantino movie.  You know his type of movie is gritty, raw, funny, cheesy, bloody, and a hella good time.  Django definitely fit the bill.  This movie stars Jamie Foxx, Kerry Washington, Don Johnson, Samuel L Jackson, Christopher Waltz, and Leonardo  DiCaprio just to name a few.  Tarantino makes an appearance too as he does in all of his movies.   I don't think anyone is going to win any Academy Awards from this movie even though they act their arses off especially Christopher Waltz as a german bounty hunter, but I do think some will be acknowledged for their portrayals.  

We all love a bad-arse Jamie.  He's quite sexy as a Django (the D is silent).  He may overact a bit, but I'll give him a pass only because it's what you do in an Tarantino movie.  DiCaprio is a great actor.  Who would of thought that of Luke Bower from Growing Pains.  Not I.  He nails the role of Calvin Candie, the Mississippi owner of the third largest plantation.  Kerry Washington's roll as Broomhilda really could have been played by any black actress.  She brought nothing to the table.  Sorry.  She just looked like Olivia Pope (I know, I know, another Scandal reference) in a period costume.  Her role really was minimal, so I'm not going to hold it against her.  

Don Johnson as Big Daddy was great!  The funniest scene in the movie to me was when Big Daddy and his friends decided to put pillow cases over their heads and attack the bounty hunters.  It's hilarious because they can't see through the holes and start to complain about it.  You'll see what I mean when you watch it yourself.  The humor gets lost in explanation.  To me, the best acting really is in Christopher Waltz.  I don't really know anything he's been in except Inglorious Basterds and I never saw it, but I can understand why he has numerous awards for that role.  He was simply excellent in the movie and my favorite character.

This movie isn't about slaves and oppression which is good because I spent all weekend watching Roots. (BET had the whole series on TV over the weekend.)  It was quite the opposite.  This movie is about redemption.  Getting back at the white man, outsmarting the white man, killing a hell of a lot of white men, and being a hero to the woman you love.  Jamie Foxx as Django is saved by a bounty hunter who needs his help to collect a bounty.  After the collection, they decide to work together to make enough money to find out where Django's wife, Broomhilda, is and buy her freedom.  Once they find her, they scheme to get her back from Candie-land owned by DiCaprio's character.  The "Uncle Tom" type character played by Sam Jackson foils their plans and all hell breaks loose.  I won't tell you how it ends, but you'll be pleasantly surprised.  I enjoyed this movie, but I typically enjoy most Quentin Tarantino movies.  Kill Bill vol 1 & 2 are my favorites of his.  I think if you go into the theater with an open mind, I think you'll enjoy it too.

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