Saturday, March 30, 2013

Temptation - TP's slowly getting better

I'm gonna try not to bash Tyler Perry too much during this posting, so let me start with the positive.  Temptation: Confessions of a Marriage Counselor stars the young Jurnee Smollett-Bell.  She has grown up to be a beautiful young actress.  She's always been a great actress to me even when younger.  Now she's even more fantastic and did an excellent protrayl of a married woman who feels negelcted by her husband and subcomes to the advances of a young handsome millionaire. 

Now, let's get into it.  TP has woman issues.  He always seems to write movies and plays about troubled women who fall for aggressive men and then need to be saved by some other man.  All women aren't troubled, and all women don't need to be saved.  TP writes the same movie over and over again.  It's the same movie dressed up in different clothes.  I'm over this concept.  Why can't he write a movie about a strong black man living a powerful life, or what about a strong confident black woman living a colorful and exciting life.  He can't because he doesn't want to or doesn't know how. 

Don't get me wrong, the movie isn't bad.  It's funny and entertaining.  It's also extremely predictable.  I was only somewhat surprised by one aspect of the story, and even that didn't help with the depth of the character.  His characters are always one dimensional.  They usually have some deep seeded issue that never ever really gets resolved.  The woman is usally angry because of past relationships and is only finally content when some heroic man comes to save the day. 

I am fine that the movie didn't really have a completely happy ending.  Sometimes, life isn't perfect and doesn't always end happily.  But, all the issues weren't really resolved, and I guess we're supposed to use our imaginations.  He is getting better.  In ten years, his movies may actally be good.  Until then, I'll keephopefully watching. 


  1. I appreciated this movie because FINALLY there was no fairytale "happily ever after". I wish someone would have died, because in his movies no one ever does. I do agree I am also tired of the "Cap'n Save A Hoe" concept he follows. I wonder if this was a product of his upbringing and what he always saw or he sees this as a money making movie formula and is sticking with it. One thing I can attest to is he is picking better actors

    1. I agree JP. I think it definitely has something to do with his upbringing. He did say on Oprah that he was molested as a child. That has definitely formed his opinion of women. I'm proud of him for find better actors as well, but he could try using writers or ghost writers to help improve the quality of his movies. He is getting better, but he has a long way to go.
