Thursday, May 16, 2013

Star Trek Into Darkness - Best One Yet!!!

There have been numerous Star Trek movies, some good, some terrible, very few fantastic!  Star Trek Into Darkness is one of the fantastic ones.  In fact, it's the best one yet!  It's very hard to do a prequel, let alone a sequel to a prequel, but JJ Abrams does a wonderful job in pulling the old and new together.

If I give you the plot, I may give you too much, but let's just say Star Trek Into Darkness leaves off where Star Trek's 2009 film ended.  I didn't love that one, but I loved this movie.  James T Kirk is still the captain of the Enterprise and still getting into a lot of trouble with Star Fleet because of his rash and often times selfish decisions.  Spock is still no nonsense Spock and learning how not to feel emotions and have relationships do to his human side.  There is a villian that ties the old and new movies together, and our (Trekkies) favorite aliens show up as well, the Klingons.  I loved the modern take on both.  The Klingon faces were just as menacing, but softer if that possible when you have huge boney indentions on your face.  It was new and fresh but still paid homage to the past.  LOVED IT!!

This movie was action-packed throughout the whole entire 2 hours and 20 minutes.  It was a roller coaster ride of emotion and action.  There were aliens fighting humans, humans fighting super humans, humans fighting humans, not to mention Klingon Warbirds shooting at humans, and Enterprise versus an extra large star ship.  Can you see how I was on the edge of my seat and why I felt like I never really got to breath until the credits rolled?  Amazing!  This JJ Abrams movie reminded me of how I felt the first time I saw Jurassic Park, mesmerized, intrigued, and excited.  I felt all of that watching Star Trek Into Darkness.  In other words, go see this movie Trekkie or not.  It's by far the best movie I've seen yet this year!

Fast and Fineness Furious next week!!!

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