Friday, April 20, 2012

Think Like a Man - So funny I'd laugh twice

I don't usually pay to watch ROM/COMs.  My dvd collection has very few mostly from the 80's and 90's when ROM/COMs were actually funny.  I don't usually watch black movies.  They are usually horrible. Not because they are black but because they are poorly written and/or directed with horrible stereotypes and poor acting.  I mean how many times do we need to see TP dress like a woman?  (Clearly infinite amounts of times since he has YET another Madea movie coming out...) Again, my dvd collection has very few, but the ones I do have are mostly from the 90's when Eddie Murphy was the black movie God not Tyler Perry.  I've seen 3 this year, so I've made my quota to keep my black card.  Think Like a Man is not only a black movie, but a ROM/COM, and worth breaking my I don't see ROM/COMs or black movies rule.  

I really went to see it because of Kevin Hart.  That man is a fool!  I've seen his stand up on tv and died laughing, so I wanted to see what he would do in this movie.  Not to mention, the cast is outrageous, and the storyline seemed to be plausible no matter your race.  Kinda like The Best Man; it crossed all color lines to debut as the #1 movie in the country in 1999.  A brief synopsis of Think Like a Man:  Steve Harvey, a comedian, plus radio, talk, and game show host, wrote a serious book about relationships call Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man.  Someone decided to make a movie with this very real book as the basis for the movie.  We watch as 4 couples traverse new relationships with the women getting advice from Steve Harvey and his book.  The guys in these relationships are all friends and get together and discuss how things are going often while playing basketball or having drinks. 

One of the reasons I don't watch comedies is because I never think they are very funny.  This movie is the funniest I've seen since The Hangover (I went to see it on a date.  Would never have seen it on my own).  In fact, I think it's funnier than The Hangover.  I laughed so hard over and over again.  At one point I had tears in my eyes.  It wasn't just Kevin Hart, although he was the major reason for the laughs, but there were other funny moments when he wasn't involved.  The story moved well which could have been very difficult when trying to tell several different stories in one.  (Did you see Valentine's Day?)  As most movies are these days, the ending was predictable but the cameos were not.  Wendy Williams, Lisa Leslie, La La Anthony, Keri Hilson, Chris Brown, Kelly Rowland, and Ron Artest (I refuse to call him by his new ridiculous name) just to name a few.   

It was all done very well.  I would pay to see it again.  I wasn't the only one who felt that way.  Another cinema patron said the same thing to her friend as she was leaving the theater.  I will definitely be adding it to the dvd collection, and maybe I will give ROM/COMs and black movies more of a chance...maybe.  This movie was entertaining, funny, full of eye-candy for women and men, and you will learn a little relationship advice in the process.  In the gymnastics world (I'm a gymnastics coach), we'd give it a 10.0!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Wrath of the Titans - For the easily entertained

I have a friend who says that he rarely sees a movie that he feels is bad because he's easily entertained.  I on the other hand have seen a couple (Mirror, Mirror is one) in the last couple of weeks that were bad, but I guess it takes a lot to entertain me.  In general, I only watch sci-fi, fantasy, suspense & thrillers, scary movies, books turned into movies, and Disney movies.  Very rarely will I pay to see a rom-com or a comedy.  Wrath of the Titans fall into my fantasy category.  It also falls into the category of one of those bad movies.  Ok, so maybe bad is a bit strong.  I wasn't entertained, but my friend who easily is will enjoy it.

The storyline was very weak.  Let's see if I can get it right:  Remembering your greek mythology, Zeus needs Perseus to help him keep Chronos, his father, enslaved in Tartarus.  Hades and Ares have teamed up together to trap Zeus, and give all of his power to Chronos.  I didn't quite understand what Chronos was gonna do once he got out of Tartarus, but he did zap Zeus of his power and begins to make an escape.  While all of this is going on Queen Andromeda, Perseus, and Poseidon's son try to help.  How do these demigods and humans help?  Well, I'm not gonna tell you everything.  You'll have to suffer through it like I did to find out.

If trying to rely on the not-so-great special affects was the goal, then they fail there as well.  At one point I saw someone's silver fillings.  Really, not only did we not take the time to make a good movie or have bad arse special affects, but we couldn't take the time to properly edit the movie either.  I often felt like I was watching the screening before they cut and printed it.  But again, it takes a lot to entertain me.  So, I'll say this:  this movie is only worth the $6 I pay when I go to the first showing of any movie at the theater that day.  I wouldn't pay any more than that.  I honestly could have waited until it came on cable in a couple of years.  Who am I kidding; it's be on tv this time next year.