Friday, June 20, 2014

Think Like A Man Too - Too Funny

Think Like A Man based on Steve Harvey's self-help book was an extremely entertaining movie.  I laughed so hard, mostly at Kevin Hart, so I was very eager to see the sequel.  Think Like a Man Too picks up in Vegas with the entire cast returning for the wedding of one of the couples in the group.  Kevin Hart's character, Cedric, is the best man.  He's determined to be the best best man ever, and through an awesome bachelor party in Vegas.

The women are determined to have an even better bachelorette party.  The maid of honor has all types of Vegas activities planned, but first that have to get passed the none-too-thrilled future mother-in-law.  All sorts of comical travesties occur for both the men and women.  At one point, they end up in jail at the same damn time.  During these events, all of the couples discover things about themselves or their relationships.  For example: one of the men tries to come to terms with the possibility of being a father, one of the women gets her sexy back, and one of the men discover that maybe they are ready to settle down and get married too.  These revelations are kinda cheesy, but I'll let 'em make it because the rest of the movie is just too funny to care.

Kevin Hart isn't the only funny man in the movie, but he is by far the funniest.  That little man makes you laugh in darn near every scene that he opens his mouth.  Bennet, played by Gary Owens, had me rolling.  He and his fanny pack are so dorky that you can't do anything but laugh.  The women had their moments especially when they were singing my all-time favorite dance song, "Poison".  When I was cracking up at them, was wishing I could break out and dance on the table in Vegas with them.  They all did a fantastic Job.  I will say, I didn't really understand why LaLa Anthony was there as she was completely pointless and she's not a very good actress.  But, neither is Terrence J.  SN:  I really need Terrence to eat a steak or something.  He's just way too skinty.  You know who isn't skinny and was looking very yummy?  Mr. State Farm himself, Dennis Haysbert as Uncle Eddie.  Uncle Eddie could get it...but I digress.

Think Like A Man Too is just as funny as the first.  We lose the whole purpose of the original movie which was to teach women in a comical way how to use their brain differently when trying to cultivate a relationship.  That all is thrown out of the window to simply tell a story.  The story is good enough without all the lesson learning even though everyone does learn a lesson one way or the other.  Go see this movie.  It's great for all races and sexes.  A good time will be had by all.

I move to Houston, TX tomorrow and will be working on Fridays again, so I may not be able to catch movies so early anymore, but when I do, I'll be here writing for you all, so stay tuned.  Transformers is next week.

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