Friday, July 26, 2013

The Wolverine - Ninja vs Mutant...Let's GO!!!

I'm a huge fan of all the X-men movies.  Of course X-men Origins-Wolverine is my favorite.  How could it not be with Hugh Jackman at the helm?  The Wolverine, is the sequel to that movie and kinda the fourth in the X-men series as it follows Logan on his journey to rediscover his purpose in life after the death of Jean Grey/The Phoenix in X-men: The Last Stand.

Logan/Wolverine played by Jackman is sent to Japan to say his last goodbyes to someone he saved from death decades earlier.  This man, Ichirō Yashida, is dying of cancer and wants to give Wolverine mortality as a thank your for what he did for him years ago.  The Wolverine is immortal and wants to die to be with Jean Grey, or so he thinks.  After Yashida dies, all the action begins as Logan tries to save Yashida's granddaughter from those who would try to kill her for reasons he doesn't understand.  

The plot is a little thick, but understandable.  It moves quickly, and keeps you interested.  The 2 hours and 6 minutes of movie is full of twist and turns that you can kinda see coming, but you don't really care because it's exciting.  There's a new mutant (one not in previous movies) called Viper.  She's a bad arse chick who has her hands or venom in every plot going on in the movie.  Keep your eyes on her.  I love a tough chick, and there are 3 who kick ninja butt all over this movie.  Makes me want to learn how to use a samurai sword and flip over buildings and people while breaking necks!!!  Doesn't everyone want to do that?

The Wolverine is entertaining.  It's not the greatest movie ever, but I enjoyed it.  I'll probably add it to the collection, but mostly because I like to see Hugh Jackman shirtless and slicing up ninjas.  Doesn't everyone?  Oh, and you don't need to have seen any of the previous movies to understand this one.  You may want to see X-men: The Last Stand just to understand why Logan is so distraught, but if you don't, you'll be ok.  

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