Sunday, August 5, 2012

Total Recall - Total Entertainment

One of my favorite Arnold movies is Total Recall.  It's not cinematic genius, but it's sci-fi and action which always works for me.  So, I had mixed emotions about a remake.  I always have mixed emotions about remakes as I think why can't they just do something new?  Are we really running out of ideas?  But, the trailer looked interesting enough, so I said why not?

This version is less aliens on alien planets and more earthly politics.  After World War III, the only livable part of the planet left is either Australia (The Colony) or The United Federation of Britain (UFB) and workers use The Fall to travel through the earth's core to get to and fro.  The UFB is ran be Chancellor Cohaagen played by Bryan Cranston who wants to take over The Colony, but The Resistance is fighting against that, and is lead by Matthias (Bill Nighy) who is in hiding and leading attacks in the UFB through his rebels which includes Jessica Biel.  How does Colin Farrell fit in here?  He plays Douglas Quaid who is bored with his life and decides that he wants his memories altered by going to Rekall where through chemicals and electrodes they can give you whatever memories you desire.  Quaid decides to be a double agent, but before the memory transfer is complete, the UFB police stops the process led by his "wife"/UFB agent (Kate Beckinsale).  Then, all the entertaining action begins.

This version like the original is no Emmy award winner, but there is an understandable somewhat plausible plot, good action scenes, and the actors do their job quite well.  I did miss the Governator a bit, but Colin's ability to please my eyes and speak clearly was a welcomed departure from Arnold.   For those who are looking for something to do on a hot summer day, I say this:  Total Recall is a remake that didn't need to be made, but since it was, I watched it, enjoyed it, and would recommend it.