Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Dredd - Oh I'm judging

Why do I do this to myself?  Why would anyone do this to themselves?  Sit in yet another remake or yet another movie that didn't need to be remade.  I didn't have high expectations for this one, with good reason.  I don't remember much about the 1995 Judge Dredd movie or the comic strip, but I'm hoping it was much better than this 2012 version.  I mean, really why was this movie necessary?

I'm all for blood, guts, violence, explosions, ect., but I also like good acting and a plausible storyline.  Plausible story lines in action movies these days are few and far between.  Dredd was no exception.  Let's see if I can sum it up for you:  In yet another post-apocolyptic future, what's left of the major east coast cities have been combined to make a mega-city governed by judges.  These judges are police, lawyers, judge, jury, and executioner all in one.  Judge Dredd takes a psychic rookie under his belt to test her and see if she's cut out to be a judge.  They go to a 200 story high-rise building taken over by a psychotic ex-hooker turned drug lord (MaMa) after reports of a triple homicide to do their thing.  The judges after lots of gratuitous violence finds the murder of the 3 and henchman to MaMa, and ends up being locked up inside of this building with no way of getting out.  MaMa is after them to keep the henchman from telling about her enterprises.  For the next hour, the two judges run around this building with bullets managing to hit everyone BUT them.  I won't tell you any more.  You'll just have to suffer through it to learn the rest.  Let's just say through all the gruesomeness, there is a happy ending.

I'll do you this one favor.  Don't go see it.  Don't waste your life.  It's not necessary.  The movie is just a  whole lot of bullets and blood and not enough substance.  Wait until it comes on USA or TNT or better yet ABC or NBC.

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