Friday, September 28, 2012

Looper - It will throw you for a loop!

Finally, a sci-fi thriller set in the Mid-West.  This is thinking people.  This is creative!  This is kinda boring.  Well, it is Missouri (Missouri is in the mid-west, right?).  Looper, staring Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Bruce Willis, Emily Blunt, and the adorable albeit psychotic, Pierce Gargon is this unconventional sci-fi/thriller set in Kansas City.

Basically, time travel is illegal and controlled by the mob.  The mob has set up a system where Loopers assassinate people purposely sent to the past.  Once your time as a Looper is up, the mobsters sends back your future you to be killed by you then you get paid handsomely to live out the next 30 years before your assigned death.  Why would anyone sign up for this job?  Clearly, not a well thought out plot, but let's continue.  One Looper sent back to die (Willis) decides he can change the future by killing the person responsible for sending him back, The Rainmaker.  He sets out to kill The Rainmaker (Gargon) while being chased by the Kansas City mob.  His younger self is also being hunted by the mob for not killing his older self and finds his way onto a farm which may or may not be the home of The much younger Rainmaker.  Are you confused yet?  It makes much more since when you watch it.

I'll be honest.  The movie is slow and very unrealistic even for a futuristic sci-fi movie, but it is gripping.  Plus there's nothing like seeing a bad-arse Bruce Willis with a gun shooting folks.  The star of the show, I must say, is Pierce Gargon who plays Sid.  He's cute, intelligent, and bad arse all in the same scene.  I think this would be better as a tv movie on the Sci-fi channel or TNT, or a three-day mini series.  There's just a lot to do and say in a two-hour movie which oddly made it move at a snail's pace, however, I did enjoy it.  And, I think most of you will too.

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