Friday, November 9, 2012

Skyfall - Something old, new, borrowed, and blue!

Something old:  After 50 years of James Bond, you would think they would have run out of ideas for the 23rd film.  They kind of have, but they keep going anyway.  In Skyfall, James Bond is still a smooth talking, gun toting, martini drinking, ladies man of a spy, but his age and being shot in the shoulder is slowing him down a bit.  On top of that, bureaucrats want M (Dame Judith Dench) to retire after she looses very important MI6 information.  They believe she too is getting too old to do her job.  They both, inevitably, will prove these haters wrong one way or another.  You can definitely see the age in the pair, but they prove that while age may slow you down, it also brings wisdom and intelligence that all the computers and youth in the world can't do. 

Something blue:  A very handsome blue-eyed Daniel Craig is my second favorite Bond, only second to The Great Sean Connery.  (I'm very biased due to my extreme love/infatuation for the silver-haired Scotsman.  He is 2nd to the top of my "can get" list.  He had the #1 spot until I recently fell in love with Idris Elba, but I digress.)  Craig has now played 007 three times.  I think he gets better with each movie.  Someone once said to me that he's too rough as James Bond and that Pierce Brosnan was smoother, but I disagree, sort of.  I do agree that he's rougher, but there is still something very smooth about his roughness that works for me.  Or, maybe I'm just mesmerized by those lovely blue eyes.

Something borrowed:  Because Skyfall is a James Bond movie, I guess the director and writers felt they had to stick to some of the rhetoric that comes with 007.  We still get the classic horn-heavy theme music, the cool gadgets, and enticing action that comes with James Bond.  They even pulled out one of his old cars with the ejector seat from past Bond movies.  I mean, it just wouldn't be the same without those old nuances with the modern day twists.

Something new:  Modern day twist is definitely what the movie tried to add, I just don't think it added enough of it.  We got a new Q played by a young Ben Wishaw and a new gay or possibly bi-sexual villan played by a wonderful actor, Javier Bardem.  There was only one real new gadget which I've seen done better in other films so it wasn't new to me.   Bond got a gun that could sense his hand and would only work for him.  We also get a new opening song for Skyfall song by Adele with the same name.  I actually really like it which is why have included it below.  It's the best of all the newness.  

I can't say that I loved this movie, but I'd watch it again.  I will say that everyone in the theater including me seemed to enjoy it except for the man snoring in the back.  And, it's hard for me to compare it to the others since I've only seen about 8 or so of the 23, but if you are a James Bond fan or a Daniel Craig fan, then you should see it, and I think you'll enjoy it too.

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