Friday, April 19, 2013

Oblivion - Too much of everything!

Too much of a good thing is bad, and too many story lines in one movie aren't good either.  Oblivion starring Tom Cruise is a movie with too much going on at one time.  Is this a love story?  Is this a science fiction thriller?  Is this a mystery?  What the heck is it?  I really can't explain to you what's going on in the movie because I really didn't get it all, but I'll try.  There were about 4 different stories going on in one.  Please bare with me if I confuse you, but I'm giving you what was given to me.

Story #1:  There was a war in 2017 between the human race and aliens known as scab.  Although humans won, earth was virtually destroyed due to nuclear warfare and the aliens destroying our moon.  All remaining humans were sent to one of Saturn's moons while a few were left to clean up the mess.  In the interim, humans decided to take Earth's oceans, purify them, and sending them to the humans near Saturn...I think.  I didn't really get that last part, but whatever.

Story #2:  Jack, played by Tom Cruise, who 60 years later, is on Earth to fix drones who seek out and kill skabs.  He has an administrative controller, Vica, played by Andrea Riseborough, who oversees his trips and is also his lover.  She asks no questions and follows the rules while he questions things (but not in depth enough) and seeks a way to stay on Earth (but not hard enough).  She seems to really care for him, and struggles with the balance of keeping him happy and command central happy.

Story #3:  (SPOILER ALERT)  The Skabs turn out to be humans (big surprise there) and have figured out who ultimately control the human killing drones.  They want Jack to help destroy this being, but first they have to prove to Jack the truth of what is really going on here on Earth.  The leader of the skabs is played by Morgan Freeman.  He's trusting Jack to help, but has to prove to the rest that he's trustworthy and will discover the truth on his own.

Story #4:  A beacon sent by the skabs causes a shuttle to touch down on Earth.  Everyone on the shuttle is killed by the drones except one.  This person also happens to be the woman in Jack's dreams which is interesting since supposedly his memory has been wiped.  Love ensues and Jack has to discover who she is which in turn will help him discover who he is and what's really going on on Earth.  She also will help explain, kinda, how all of this came to be.

Yes, that's a lot, and there's still more.  This explains why the movie is over two hours long and extremely confusing.  Even though there is a lot, it is still a very slow movie.  It's almost an hour exactly before Morgan Freeman takes the screen.  And, although there are action-filled moments, this movies isn't action packed.  There's maybe a total of 30 minutes of action which isn't much considering the length.  It has a very predictable ending, one that isn't very original.  I found it very Independence Day-esque.  I love sci-fi movies.  It's my favorite genre, but this one doesn't cut it.  It needed more simplicity and action to make it understandable.  I have a lot of unanswered questions, and I feel like some things could have been omitted.  I probably won't ever watch this again, and maybe neither should you.

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