Friday, May 3, 2013

Iron Man 3 - Is this the end? Maybe it should be.

Iron Man and it's sequels are some of the top grossing films of the last decade.  Iron Man 3 has already grossed $345.4 million dollars internationally and $15.6 million on Thursday night alone.  This one is sure to blowout it's predecessors, but does the money mean it's a better movie?  I think not!  Iron Man 2 was my favorite of the 3; so much so, that I own it on DVD.  It gave me a great mix of action, comedy, and a plausible storyline not to mention some of my favorite actors in Don Cheadle and Samuel L. Jackson, and the star, Robert Downey Jr, isn't too shabby.  But, this 3rd installment didn't sit as well with me as the first two.

Iron Man 3 turned up the comedy and the action, but it seemed a little forced.  A little too much of both.  Don't get me wrong, I think Iron Man is a great super hero and great departure from all the many many many Batman, Spiderman, and Superman movies, but it kinda felt like there wasn't really much else for Tony Stark and his suits to do so they said let's make up a terrorist (no literally they make him up, you'll see what I mean) and create a very unrealistic medical miracle that turns a bitter person into an evil villain or a war veteran into a bomb. Yup, that about sums it up. They even gave Tony a little anxiety and PTSD about his stint with the Avengers in New York.  I guess it added a little more depth to the character, but it was kinda silly (maybe that was the point).  I guess every super hero has his/her demons.

All the stars showed up again, Gwenyth, Robert, Don, and Jon Favreau, but the villains were played by Ben Kingsley and Guy Pearce.  They did a despicable job in a comical kind of way.  Ben Kingsley was phenomenal as The Mandarin/Trevor Slattery.  He was scary when need be and funny when necessary.  Guy as Aldrich Killian was supposed to be suave yet intimidating, but he came off as greasy and sleazy with a touch of slimy.  Even at his scariest, I didn't feel it.  I just kept thinking, how is this not killing him.  It wasn't believable.

The movie was entertaining and almost everyone did a superb job as usual, but it fell a little flat with me.  The audience laughed when they were supposed to, but we didn't leave as excited and ramped up like I feel we did after the last one.  Maybe it's just me, but this one should be the last one, and it kinda eluded to it in the movie, but if not, they should really go back to the writers and directors of the first two where the energy was high and the chemistry was perfection.  I'm sure you'll go see this one and add to the box office totals, but go into it knowing that I just don't feel it's as good as the last two.  You go see it and decide for yourself.

Next Week, The Great Gatsby starring Leonard DiCaprio.  Until then...

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