Friday, April 4, 2014

Captain America: The Winter Soldier - Better than the first!

It's a rarity to have the sequel be better than the first in "movieland", but that's definitely the case when it comes to the second Captain America movie, Captain America: The Winter Soldier.  This sequel, even with it's slow parts in the middle, was well written and well received.  The technology and hand-to-hand combat is was really takes this action movie to the next level.

S.H.I.E.L.D has been compromised and Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, has been told to trust no one while trying to figure out who's trying to kill him and everyone he knows plus stop them from deploying a weapon so massive it can selectively kill millions all over the world.  With the help of Wilson, aka Falcon, and Natasha, aka Black Widow, among other trusted S.H.I.E.L.D agents to bring down the whole evil covert operation, HYDRA, lead by Alexander Pierce played by Robert Redford.

Although I've seen all of the marvel comic movies, I haven't enjoyed most of them.  I always feel like they are all hype and no substance.  The only ones I really liked were Iron Man 1 and 2.  I can add Captain America 2 to the list.  The movie wasn't really hyped up, and is full of substance.  Captain America 2 is full of action, twists and turns, and fight scenes like no other.  I love a good fist fight especially when super-human strength is involved.  Captain America taking down a ship full of pirates with only his limbs and shield is exciting!  When Black Widow wraps her legs around a bad guy and strangles him with wire, you're on the edge of your seat.  And, The Winter Soldier and his steel robotic arm versus Captain America and his shield is thrilling!

I loved every minute of the action, and I think you will too.  There's about thirty minutes of the movie that has to set up the rest.  It's not as rousing as we'd like it to be, but you do have to actually tell a story, so I get it.  Don't let that drawn out dialogue spoil the enjoyment of the movie for you.  It's worth it in the end.  Oh, and just like at the end of most of these Marvel movies, there's more to see after the credits roll, so sit still and continue to enjoy the ride.

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