Friday, May 25, 2012

MIB3 - They should have stopped after the first one.

Will Smith is one of the biggest movies stars in the world.  Because of his money making ability, studios allow him to make movies no matter how good or bad.  Now, I'm not saying he makes a lot of bad movies.  I really can't think of a Will Smith movie I didn't enjoy even a little bit.  His worst one probably was Wild Wild West, and even that was sort of entertaining.  MIB3 falls into that category...sort of entertaining.  The Fresh Prince of Bel Air went over to the dark side with this one.  He usually makes kid friendly MIB movies, but this one has a lot of death, low level cursing, and a somewhat ominous subplot.  I definitely wouldn't bring anyone younger than 10 to this one.  There isn't a little song a dance to pep this one up.

As we know from the first two Men in Black movies, Agents K (played by Tommy Lee Jones) and J (Will Smith) go around and handle alien problems while trying to keep the fact that there ARE aliens from humans.  Even some of the most famous people in the world, according to these movies, are aliens like Michael Jackson, Elvis, and Lady Gaga.  MIB3 isn't any different.  A big, bad alien breaks out of jail on the moon, comes to earth only to go back in time to try and kill Agent K who jailed him and shot off his arm which will allow this horrible alien to come and take over earth in the present.  Agent J has to time travel back to spoil this aliens plans while learning some secrets about Agent K (Josh Brolin as a younger K) in the process.  Where do they come up with this stuff?

There were tons of pre-teens, teenagers, and adults in the audience.  I must say they were thoroughly entertained.  One man couldn't stop laughing those deep belly laughs that filled the theatre.  I, on the other hand, smiled at a couple of corny jokes, and lol'd once maybe twice, but that's about it.  There was a tearjerker moment towards then end, but I saw it coming a mile away.  The movie was cute to say the least, but not nearly as much fun as the first one.  There really weren't any new tricks to pull out of the bag to make it as interesting as the first one.  It'll do well at the box office with it being a long weekend, but I feel that it will simmer off not too much long after that.  This really should be the very LAST Men in Black movie.

You really see Will Smith's age in this movie.  He's no longer that goofy, big-earred kid from the 90's that we loved to watch on our tv screens and then later on the big screen.  He can't get away with these silly little antics anymore.  It's time to stick with the action-adventures and dramas that he does so well.    His original audience has grown up too, so I think we like to see him in more grown-up roles being a husband and parent like he and the majority of his audience is now.  Again, Men in Black 3 is sort of entertaining, and worth the $6 I spent going to the early matinee.  I don't think it's worth anymore than that.  Go see it if you must, or don't and just wait for it to come out on USA or FX during an MIB marathon.

Friday, May 18, 2012

You sank my BATTLESHIP...or did you?!?!

Remember that game we use to play back in the day with the little grey ships and red and white pegs?  Well, Battleship is based off of that game.  It's not nearly as cheesy as that commercial with the little boy saying, "You sank my battleship," and there are no white or red pegs, but it was extremely entertaining.  A feel good movie to say the least.

Without giving away too much, the movie is set on a naval base in Hawaii and after scientist send signals to an earth like planet, unwelcomed aliens show up reeking havoc on Hawaii and Asia during a naval mock war exercise between America and Japan.  I know that seems like a lot, but it's really not.  They have to explain a lot in a short amount of time, which is done pretty well.

I guess what makes this movie so interesting is that there really aren't any big name celebrities other than Liam Neison who's supporting role really could have been played by anyone.  True Blood fans will be happy to see Eric Northman (Alexander Skarsgard) in this movie.  He's not as sinister in this movie playing Commander Stone Hopper as he is in True Blood, but he is easy on the eyes.  There are some unlikely heroes.  The one the producers and director want to you to like the most is double amputee US Army Lieutenant Colonel Mick.  He's actually a real Army Lieutenant Colonel who has never acted before this movie.  You kinda give his acting a pass because of the fact that you realize that he really has lost his legs.  Oh, and how could I forget to mention Rhianna?  If you are expecting Ri Ri to be the sexy celebrity she likes to play on the red carpet, you can forget it.  She's pretty much a rough looking chic in a bad wig covered by a ball cap the entire movie.  She does a decent acting job throughout the movie probably because they kept her lines short.

(SPOILER ALERT!!!)  If I was to say anything negative about this movie, I would say that it goes from realistic to ridiculous towards the end.  The USS Missouri comes out of retirement along with some of it's old naval officers to help fight the aliens.  I literally wanted to yell out, "SERIOUSLY!"  Everything else was plausible until that point, but in the end you were ok with this unlikely turn of events because it all worked out for the best.

Go see Battleship at the theatre because the special effects and action won't be nearly as exciting and entertaining at home on the couch.  I'm not a fan of 3D, but I think this might even be good in 3D.  I enjoyed it; I don't know if it's add-to-the-dvd-collection worthy, but I'd watch it again if someone bought the ticket or if it was on tv.  Of the two action movies so far this early summer, I liked this one best.

Friday, May 4, 2012

The Avengers - Why are we clapping?

I've seen Iron Man one and two, both Hulk movies, Captain America, and just about every other super hero movie that has come out over the last 15 years except Thor.  Who would have know that was the one I really needed to see to understand fully the plot of The Avengers Movie?  Countless hours watching superhero movie after superhero movie and I really only needed to watch 4 movies to get the point of this one.  Don't get me wrong, I knew that they would all tie in together, I just didn't think it was going to be completely necessary to see them all.  So I warn you now:  Make sure you have seen Iron Man 2, Captain America, Thor, and Hulk (the one starring Mark Ruffalo).

Now that you've seen all of those, (I still haven't seen Thor, but I will ASAP) tell me that the Avengers isn't a bit of a bore trying to tie it all together.  I would have rather watched a 3rd installment of Iron Man.  Tony Stark, played by Robert Downey Jr, is the most entertaining of them all, and his movies are the most entertaining of all the super hero movies that I've seen (Kick Ass not included since they're not really super heros).  There is action dispersed throughout and especially at the ending, but the movie is about 2 and a half hours long and only about 30 minutes of it is action packed.  That leaves for A LOT of talking and set up.

The storyline itself isn't very new.  I mean does aliens coming to take over earth starting with NY sound familiar?  Or how about that scene when the aliens are coming and the people are running down the streets of New York and the cars flip over?  Or, the bad arse chic who kicks butt with a sad story about why she's a bad arse chic?  Scene it?  So have I many, many times.  The thing that kept dumfounding me were the people clapping at this overused action.  They're clapping and I'm yawning waiting for something new to happen.  It never does.  If I was to clap for anything or anyone, it's be Robert Downey Jr.  He makes a darn good Tony Stark.  He's the only thing close to eye candy in this movie and he's funny as always.  I hope they do bring him back for Iron Man 3 that is in the works now for 2013.

You want to go see this movie?  Go right ahead.  Just remember that it's nothing special, really long, kind of boring, full of the same ol' same ol' and surprisingly will make you want to clap (it made me want to take a nap).