Friday, May 4, 2012

The Avengers - Why are we clapping?

I've seen Iron Man one and two, both Hulk movies, Captain America, and just about every other super hero movie that has come out over the last 15 years except Thor.  Who would have know that was the one I really needed to see to understand fully the plot of The Avengers Movie?  Countless hours watching superhero movie after superhero movie and I really only needed to watch 4 movies to get the point of this one.  Don't get me wrong, I knew that they would all tie in together, I just didn't think it was going to be completely necessary to see them all.  So I warn you now:  Make sure you have seen Iron Man 2, Captain America, Thor, and Hulk (the one starring Mark Ruffalo).

Now that you've seen all of those, (I still haven't seen Thor, but I will ASAP) tell me that the Avengers isn't a bit of a bore trying to tie it all together.  I would have rather watched a 3rd installment of Iron Man.  Tony Stark, played by Robert Downey Jr, is the most entertaining of them all, and his movies are the most entertaining of all the super hero movies that I've seen (Kick Ass not included since they're not really super heros).  There is action dispersed throughout and especially at the ending, but the movie is about 2 and a half hours long and only about 30 minutes of it is action packed.  That leaves for A LOT of talking and set up.

The storyline itself isn't very new.  I mean does aliens coming to take over earth starting with NY sound familiar?  Or how about that scene when the aliens are coming and the people are running down the streets of New York and the cars flip over?  Or, the bad arse chic who kicks butt with a sad story about why she's a bad arse chic?  Scene it?  So have I many, many times.  The thing that kept dumfounding me were the people clapping at this overused action.  They're clapping and I'm yawning waiting for something new to happen.  It never does.  If I was to clap for anything or anyone, it's be Robert Downey Jr.  He makes a darn good Tony Stark.  He's the only thing close to eye candy in this movie and he's funny as always.  I hope they do bring him back for Iron Man 3 that is in the works now for 2013.

You want to go see this movie?  Go right ahead.  Just remember that it's nothing special, really long, kind of boring, full of the same ol' same ol' and surprisingly will make you want to clap (it made me want to take a nap).

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