Friday, May 25, 2012

MIB3 - They should have stopped after the first one.

Will Smith is one of the biggest movies stars in the world.  Because of his money making ability, studios allow him to make movies no matter how good or bad.  Now, I'm not saying he makes a lot of bad movies.  I really can't think of a Will Smith movie I didn't enjoy even a little bit.  His worst one probably was Wild Wild West, and even that was sort of entertaining.  MIB3 falls into that category...sort of entertaining.  The Fresh Prince of Bel Air went over to the dark side with this one.  He usually makes kid friendly MIB movies, but this one has a lot of death, low level cursing, and a somewhat ominous subplot.  I definitely wouldn't bring anyone younger than 10 to this one.  There isn't a little song a dance to pep this one up.

As we know from the first two Men in Black movies, Agents K (played by Tommy Lee Jones) and J (Will Smith) go around and handle alien problems while trying to keep the fact that there ARE aliens from humans.  Even some of the most famous people in the world, according to these movies, are aliens like Michael Jackson, Elvis, and Lady Gaga.  MIB3 isn't any different.  A big, bad alien breaks out of jail on the moon, comes to earth only to go back in time to try and kill Agent K who jailed him and shot off his arm which will allow this horrible alien to come and take over earth in the present.  Agent J has to time travel back to spoil this aliens plans while learning some secrets about Agent K (Josh Brolin as a younger K) in the process.  Where do they come up with this stuff?

There were tons of pre-teens, teenagers, and adults in the audience.  I must say they were thoroughly entertained.  One man couldn't stop laughing those deep belly laughs that filled the theatre.  I, on the other hand, smiled at a couple of corny jokes, and lol'd once maybe twice, but that's about it.  There was a tearjerker moment towards then end, but I saw it coming a mile away.  The movie was cute to say the least, but not nearly as much fun as the first one.  There really weren't any new tricks to pull out of the bag to make it as interesting as the first one.  It'll do well at the box office with it being a long weekend, but I feel that it will simmer off not too much long after that.  This really should be the very LAST Men in Black movie.

You really see Will Smith's age in this movie.  He's no longer that goofy, big-earred kid from the 90's that we loved to watch on our tv screens and then later on the big screen.  He can't get away with these silly little antics anymore.  It's time to stick with the action-adventures and dramas that he does so well.    His original audience has grown up too, so I think we like to see him in more grown-up roles being a husband and parent like he and the majority of his audience is now.  Again, Men in Black 3 is sort of entertaining, and worth the $6 I spent going to the early matinee.  I don't think it's worth anymore than that.  Go see it if you must, or don't and just wait for it to come out on USA or FX during an MIB marathon.

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