Sunday, June 24, 2012

Brave - Not your regular princess movie

Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Rapunzel, Ariel, Merida... .  We all know the classic princesses that Disney has now made famous, but Merida is a new one to most of us, and Pixar is trying to put a new Brave twist on your regular everyday princess.  We are all use to that girl who is in some sort of trouble due to some other evil witch, women, or creature only to be saved by some man.  Boy, this idea that is shoved into little girls' heads time and time again, has really screwed up majority of women who are weeding through men trying to find their savor or Prince Charming.  Brave does not tell that ridiculous tale.  It's more of a coming-of-age, mother/daughter teenage drama sort of story.

In short the movie is about a Scottish Princess named Merida who's parents have betrothed her to one of three other princes who can win an archery challenge.  Merida, doesn't like this idea and wants to  have more of a say in her life.  To change her mother's mind, she finds a witch with the help of willow wisp that will cast a spell to change her fate.  Something Merida didn't expect happens during the spell and now the only way to reverse it before impending doom, Merida and her mother, Elinor, have to work together, listen and trust each other.  While all of this goes on, the King has to keep the other princes and their families entertained.  He uses food, drinks, and tales of horrible giants bears to keep them occupied.  All while, Merida's young triplet brothers reek havoc around the castle.

The plot is a little mature for the intended audience, and there are definitely some scary/disturbing scenes in the movies especially at the beginning and end that could give the kids nightmares.  Kids under the age of 8 probably should stay home.  There aren't any cute song and dance to keep the younger kids involved which is good for most adults who may be dragged in to see this.  The triplets are cute and funny and Merida's message of female independence and strength nice, but this movie really doesn't play to the kids and I'm really not sure it's supposed to do so.  If I had to choose between Brave and Madagascar 3, M3 wins hands down.

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