Friday, October 26, 2012

Cloud Atlas - A crafty cosmic confusion

Ever watched a movie that 1. you had to get through the entire thing to decide if you liked it... 2.  had so many story lines that you need to see it several times to get it all... 3.  had you completely confused in the first 10 minutes?  Cloud Atlas is that movie for me.  This movie has some of the biggest stars of our time, Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Susan Sarandon, and Hugh Grant.  I still haven't decided yet if these stars made the movie or was it just a plain old good movie.  I suspect this movie will be nominated for many Academy Awards especially for costumes, make-up, set design, and maybe Best Picture and Best Direction.  I wouldn't be too disappointed if Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Doona Bae, and Jim Broadbent weren't nominated for their acting in this movie.

It's really hard to give you a brief synopsis of this movie as there are 6 different stories intertwined in one.  The best way to put it is throughout these six stories we see how past, present, and future affects all humankind.  Some stories are more intriguing than others even though they all are great.  The Ghastly Ordeal of Timothy Cavendish is probably my favorite.  It stars Jim Broadbent as a book publisher named Timothy Cavendish who get's into money trouble.  He seeks out help from his brother who sends him away unknowingly to a retirement home.  Timothy spends the rest of the movie trying to escape with the help of some of his elderly friends in the home who don't want to be there either.  This story brings the comedy to such a dramatic movie. But old people, usually are the comic relief in movies.

The most powerful story to me is An Orison of Sonmi-451 staring Doona Bae, a Korean Actress.  This story is set in the future in Neo-Seoul, Korea.  A new city since old Seoul is underwater due to a flood.  Sonmi-451 is a genetically engineered woman who spends her life enslaved by the government to be a waitress and to do whatever the patron ask of her.  She escapes slavery with the help of a rogue group who feel she can be a revolutionary.  She falls in love with the man who helps her escape, Hae-Joo Chang played by Jim Sturgess, and helps start a revolution after she learns what really happens to the waitresses who earn their "freedom".  Again, there are 4 more stories, and they all connect to teach this powerful message that life isn't just about you, but that we all work together in the bigger picture.

I definitely will see this movie again at some point.  There was just so much going on that I have to watch it again to see what I missed.  There was one story, Sloosha's Crossin' an' Ev'rythin' Afterthat you really have to pay attention because the language is slightly different, so I'm sure I missed some dialogue there.  This movie will either move you to joy or you will hate it because of the confusion.  I say go see it expecting a lot, but allow yourself to take in the message and you just may enjoy it.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Alex Cross - As bad as Madea in a suit

Let me preface this review by saying that I knew going in that I didn't expect this movie to be good solely because of Tyler Perry playing Alex Cross.  My intention was to go in and have the movie change my mind.  My mind wasn't changed about the movie being bad, but I can't blame it all on TP.

Alex Cross is movie based on the book written by James Patterson with the same name.  There have been previous Alex Cross movies played by Morgan Freeman in Along Came the Spider and Kiss the Girls which were both excellent.  How could they not be?  Morgan Freeman is an amazing actor.  One of my favs.  Tyler Perry...not so much.  If you have been under a rock for that past decade or so and have no clue who TP is then maybe Madea will help.  Yes, he's the guy who dresses in drag in plays and movies as Madea.  He's also one of the richest entertainers out there owning his own production company, writing and directing several (albeit horrible) movies and plays, not to mention his numerous tv shows on TBS.  And now, he has an exclusive distribution deal with OWN (Oprah is one of his BFFs).  He's doing it big in the business, but as an action/crime-drama hero...he sucks monkey balls.

I guess if you are trying to widen your audience and change their perception of you as a man who can only act in comedies then this is the way to go.  But, he's just not convincing as Alex.  Maybe it's because all I could see was Madea in a suit.  I don't really believe he's pissed and hurt when I'm supposed to be feeling sorry for him and angry with him.  I'm just not.  He doesn't come off as a tough guy.  Maybe it's his small yet soft facial features (I couldn't help but notice how small his cheeks and lips are compared to his face).  But there are other issues with this movie other than TP.

The main issue is the acting and directing, although Matthew Fox as a bad guy is fantastic.  He really came off as very insane.  I loved it.  Matthew was the best thing about this movie.  Everyone else, even the great Cicely Tyson could have done much better.  I'm beginning to feel like there is a shortage of great actors out there.  Let's not forget the cinematography (why is the camera shaking) and direction that really could have been executed better.  Shame on you Rob Cohen.  I really expected more from you.

All in all, Alex Cross was written well, but not executed well.  Let's find a more believable Cross and let's spend some time developing the story and picking people who really truly know how to act.  I wouldn't waste my money to see it again or waste my time when it comes on cable.  You shouldn't either.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Sinister - Not enough "boo" for me

I don't watch many horror movies as I can usually predict when I'm supposed to jump and scream, so it's been awhile since I saw one.  I tend to like slasher films with lot's of blood and guts a la Saw instead of scary movies with paranormal beings a la Sinister.  I have a bit of a supernatural fear, and I'm kinda afraid of the dark.  But enough about me, let's get to the movie.

Sinister starring Ethan Hawke is supernatural horror about a true crimes author who moves his whole family to the house of a murdered family that he wants to use as the basis of his next book.  Upon entering the attic to put up some of his moving boxes, he finds a box full of super 8 movies.  After settling in his family, he starts to watch the movies and begins to discover a connection between 4 gruesome murders.  This leads to him discovering Mr. Boogie (silliest name ever) and then all the creepy paranormal things begin.

I'm not saying you won't have nightmares behind this one because it's very possible, but I will say, it's kinda hard to be an adult and afraid of a man named Mr. Boogie.  Mr. Boogie tends to pick on families with more than one kid, so if you're single or a family with one, then I'd say your safe.  I'd also say your safe to wait and see this one on cable.  It's just not that dramatic.  It just didn't go far enough to really freak you out or scare you, and it's kinda slow.  There are moments where you might jump, but if you're an avid horror-movie-watcher, you probably won't because you'll see it coming.  And, there's little to no comedy which most horror movies have so maybe we'll call this one a bust, and hope the next one is better.  Oh, there just might be another one (and you know how I feel about sequels) since it ends with the super 8 still rolling.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Taken 2 - A great that even possible?

Everyone remembers that moment in Taken when you thought to yourself, "ish just got real!"  For me, it was when Liam Neeson as Brian tells his daughter's captors that he will find them and he will kill them.  It's a classic cinematic moment.  As you all know, I'm not a fan of sequels because I just feel like they aren't necessary.  Just write a new movie with a new concept not recycle something that worked well the first time because it's usually not as good the second time around.  But, Taken 2 was almost necessary...almost.  It was as good as the first.  Can't say it was better, but you will be mesmerized by the action.  And, Taken 2 has that "ish got real moment" pretty much from jump.

The movie starts off where the last one finished but about one year later.  It opens with the burying of the men Brian (Neeson) killed while rescuing his daughter, Kim, in Paris and their father vowing revenge for their deaths.  Brian and his ex-wife, Lenny (Famkee Janssen), become closer due to her separation from her current husband while his daughter (Maggie Grace) tries to get back to a normal life even finding a boyfriend.  He invited them to come take a vacay in Istanbul where he is working for a few days.  (SPOILER ALERT)While there, Brian and Lenny are kidnapped and Kim comes close to capture as well.  So begins the drama, suspense, and action.

I was pleasantly surprised at how good the second one is.  There is the classic car chase, lots of gun play, a kick-arse Liam Neeson, a plausible plot, and a real resolution.  The horrible acting by Famkee Janssen and the predictability wasn't enough to deter me from enjoying the movie.  It even sets up for a third one, although I say let's stop while we're ahead.  I still believe the cinematic gods/executives should stop making sequels (unless we are following a book series of course), but I'll give them a pass for this one.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Pitch Perfect - When Gleeks go off to college...

I broke one of my movie rules that I usually only break for dates and dvds:  No comedies, rom-coms, and/or silly movies featuring college students.  It, surprisingly, was worth it like seeing Step-Brothers and The Hangover.  Pitch Perfect starring Anna Kendrick, Rebel Wilson, and Christopher Mintz-Plasse, is a cute little comedy full of practically unknowns for those who liked the first two seasons of Glee.  With lines from Chelsea Handler like, "Nothing makes a woman feel good like a man signing like a boy," and creepy soft-spoken asian girls like, "I set fires to feel joy," how could you not watch?

In it's simplest form, this movie is about a college student, Becca, who has dreams of being a record producer and is forced to go to college instead.  Her dad makes her a promise that if she tries one activity in school and if she still hates college after a year he will pay for her to go to LA and live her dreams. She chooses to join a pretentious acapella club full of misfits (ironic I know) who has dreams of being the first all-girl team to win the international acapella contest against their rivals, an all male group from the same school.  In the process she meets a boy who just so happens to sing in said rival glee club.

The set list in this movie is what make it.  Bruno Mars, RiRi, and Madonna make an appearance.  Plus my favorite song out right now, "Titanium", is sung beautifully acapella in the shower.  They do tons of old school/new school mash-ups acapella style.  Blackstreets' No Diggity will get you groovin' in your seat.  I often times found my self quietly clapping after they were done singing.  The movie is predictable.  You can figure out how it ends about 15 minutes into the movie, but you will laugh and leave feeling like a giddy nerd for enjoying it.  This movie really makes me wish I could carry a tune, but until God decides to miraculously bless me with a voice, I will continue to watch others do it (watching last night's Glee while typing this).