Friday, October 12, 2012

Sinister - Not enough "boo" for me

I don't watch many horror movies as I can usually predict when I'm supposed to jump and scream, so it's been awhile since I saw one.  I tend to like slasher films with lot's of blood and guts a la Saw instead of scary movies with paranormal beings a la Sinister.  I have a bit of a supernatural fear, and I'm kinda afraid of the dark.  But enough about me, let's get to the movie.

Sinister starring Ethan Hawke is supernatural horror about a true crimes author who moves his whole family to the house of a murdered family that he wants to use as the basis of his next book.  Upon entering the attic to put up some of his moving boxes, he finds a box full of super 8 movies.  After settling in his family, he starts to watch the movies and begins to discover a connection between 4 gruesome murders.  This leads to him discovering Mr. Boogie (silliest name ever) and then all the creepy paranormal things begin.

I'm not saying you won't have nightmares behind this one because it's very possible, but I will say, it's kinda hard to be an adult and afraid of a man named Mr. Boogie.  Mr. Boogie tends to pick on families with more than one kid, so if you're single or a family with one, then I'd say your safe.  I'd also say your safe to wait and see this one on cable.  It's just not that dramatic.  It just didn't go far enough to really freak you out or scare you, and it's kinda slow.  There are moments where you might jump, but if you're an avid horror-movie-watcher, you probably won't because you'll see it coming.  And, there's little to no comedy which most horror movies have so maybe we'll call this one a bust, and hope the next one is better.  Oh, there just might be another one (and you know how I feel about sequels) since it ends with the super 8 still rolling.

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