Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Les Misérables - Wait, they were singing!

Everyone's got to broaden their horizons.  You can't do the same thing day in and day out.  You can see the same type of movie every time you go to the theater.  You'll miss out.  I love a great sci-fi, fantasy, suspense, or action/drama, but I also love a great musical too.  My all-time favorite movie is Sound of Music.  Les Misérables is a musical of sorts.  It's more like an opera since they sing 99% of every word, but the acting and drama is so good I almost forget they are singing...almost.

This movie stars Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, Anne Hathaway, and Amanda Seyfried.  Jackman and Hathaway are nominated for Golden Globes for their portrayals in this movie.  And Les Mis, has been nominated for Best comedy or musical too.  I never agree with the awards circuit because I feel like it's all a popularity contest, but I wouldn't be disappointed if this movie brings how an award or two.  It would deserve it.  Hugh Jackman as Jean Valjean is wonderful.  Anne Hathaway will bring tears to your eyes as Fantine.  I think everyone can understand a mother's love through Fantine's struggle.  We love Russell Crowe, just not Russell Crowe's singing.  He's the one negative as Inspector Javert.  He really should stick to action films like Gladiator.  Helena Bonham Carter (you know her from just about any Johnny Depp and/or Tim Burton, her husband, movie) or and Sacha Baron Cohen (yes Borat was there too) had very devious yet comical parts as Mr. and Madame Thenardier.  They too were fantastic!

I've never read the book although it is waiting on my Kindle, and I've never seen it on the stage, but after today, I want to immediately.  I really didn't know much about the plot other than the character's name Jean Valjean; so, I was completely enthralled in the story.  The story of a man trying to do right and change his stars and along the way helping a child of a woman he inadvertently wronged with the French Revolution as its background.  I think if you open your mind and heart to the idea of a movie where everyone sings, yet their emotions are true then I'll think you'll enjoy this one.  It isn't for everyone, but if you'd like a change of pace to your regular movie going experience, then I say go see Les Misérables.  You won't be disappointed.

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