Saturday, December 29, 2012

Top 5 movies of 2012 - My list will be way different than the "real" critics

One of the things I'm most happy about in 2012 is starting this blog.  Since I watch movies all the time, I thought I'd share my thoughts with anyone who cared.  Well, after watching 30ish movies this year, I thought I would list my top 5 movies of this year.  My list isn't going to be like any of the critics.  At the end of the day, it's my opinion and my opinion is the only one that matters in this blog.

#5 Django Unchained - It was really hard for me to decide between this and Les Mis because I enjoyed them both, but I feel like I could watch Django many more times that Les Miserables despite some of the gruesome scenes.  Here were my thoughts on the movie:  Django Unchained review

#4 Think Like a Man - The funniest movie of the year to me should definitely be on my list.  Kevin Hart has been making his rounds on the small screen and big screen this year.  He will start 2013 with a new reality show.  His stars are looking up and so was this movie.  Think Like a Man review

#3 Snow White and the Huntsman - Some one told Kristen Stewart she was a good actress and then gave her numerous roles.  This movie by far is her greatest acting role yet.  Snow White and the Huntsman not only had people talking about how great the movie was, but they were also talking about the affair Kristen had with the director which broke up her relationship with her Twilight Saga co-star.  They got back together right before the promotion began for Breaking Dawn Part 2 (coincidence, I think NOT).  Although, I enjoyed Breaking Dawn and sad to see the saga end, I loved Snow White more.  Snow White and The Huntsman Review

#2 Prometheus - You guys should have known a Sci-fi movie with Idris Elba was going to make the list.  The movie was great!  He looked great!  What more can I say?  Oh wait, read this for more:  Prometheus movie review

#1 Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter - It wouldn't be a movie list without a vampire movie on it.  I'm sure as a Twi-hard you'd think my #1 movie choice would be Breaking Dawn Part 2, but nope.  It's Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter.  I loved this movie.  I didn't fall asleep once like I did in that critically acclaimed other Lincoln movie.  Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter review

Oh, and the worst movie of 2012 has to be Mirror, Mirror starring Julia Roberts.  I don't have a review for it because it was before I started this blog, but I will just say that, I left wanting my $6 back and was pissed at Julia for making me suffer through that mess.  I'll forgive her this time.

Anyway, 2012 was full of closure, block-busters, pre-quels, and sequels.  We saw the end of the Dark Knight Trilogy and the Twilight Saga; the beginning of the Hunger Games Trilogy, the start of the Avenger movies, and a better version of a new Spider-man series.  I look forward to what 2013 has to bring and I hope you stay with me while I tell you my thoughts on it all.


  1. Agree with #5 & 4 .... although, I need Dark Knight in there. Going to check out Jack Reacher I hope it's good....

    1. I wanted to go with the unexpected. Although Dark Knight was good, it wasn't as good as the 2nd one. If I had a Top 10, it would be in there somewhere. Thanks for reading and sharing.
