Saturday, March 9, 2013

Oz the Great and Powerful - The Good, the Bad, and the Oh My!

Wicked is one of my favorite broadway musicals.  I love the songs, the set design, and the spin on the classic Wizard of Oz tale.  One of these days, I'm going to read the books.  Because The Wizard of Oz is such and classic and because I love Wicked, I was extremely eager to see Oz the Great and Powerful.  Too bad my eagerness wasn't enough to help me enjoy this movie.  As of now, I think I've found the worst movie of 2013.

Let me start with the good part of this movie:  due to my busy weekend schedule, I had to watch it in 3D because that was the only time that fit.  I don't usually like 3D movies mostly because I feel it doesn't add much to the movie, and it's a waste of money.  I got to see this for free because of my "frequent flyers" card for movie goers.  The 3D aspect of the movie went really well with the visually appeal of the set design and color scheme.  I'm sorta interested to see if the movie was as stunning in 2D.  The director, Sam Raimi, did a great job bringing the magical land of OZ to life.  The other aspect of the movie I enjoyed was the storyline.  We learn how Oscar Diggs, played by James Franco, becomes the Wizard of Oz, and why he tricks people into believing he's so powerful when he's really not.  We also learn why the wicked witch, played by Mila Kunis, is so wicked and how she becomes green.  The movie is based on the book by the same name, so I'm assuming if I'd read the book I'd known that already.  (It's on my Kindle.  I just haven't gotten to it yet.)  You would think with such a good storyline, great cast (Michelle Williams is Glenda the Good), and great visuals this movie would be great, but to no avail.

What really makes this movie so terrible is the acting.  Someone told these seasoned actors to act like idiots and be cheesy like the original movie starring Judy Garland.  It felt like I was watching a flashier version of the 1939 film.  Any second, I thought someone was gonna say, "...lions, and tigers, and bears, oh my!"  Cheesy is the best way I can describe the acting.  They were all way over the top, and it came off silly instead of entertaining.  Mind you, this is a PG rated movie so I guess they were trying to appeal to the kids, but kids aren't idiots.  You don't have to act so horribly to keep their attention.  I guess the movie did it's job.  The children in the movie theater laughed and the older gentleman in front of me chuckled quite a few times.  I smiled ONCE!

If you are going to see this movie, please know that with previews it's about 2.5 hours long.  When a movie isn't very good, that's hella long!  I wouldn't watch this again even if it was on ABC or NBC and nothing else was on tv.  It was definitely a waste of life and I'd be even more pissed if I actually paid $10 to see it.  Oz the Great and Powerful was more like Oz the over-the-top and too long.

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