Friday, November 1, 2013

Ender's Game - Winner, Game Over!

Yet another book was adapted for the big screen.  Ender's Game is an interesting science fiction action film based on the 1985 book with the same name.  I haven't read this one, but I'd like to do so soon.  I can see how a some parts are missing or glossed over for the sake of time.  I'm sure the book is much better than the movie, as it always is, but I think this movie's take on Ender's Game was pretty good.

In short, Ender's Game is about a young boy, Ender, who was chosen to lead a group of children in a war against an alien race who tried to take over Earth 50 years ago, and are now back.   His strategic prowess while playing war video games, during battle training, and against bullies makes a meek looking Ender, an incredible opponent against these formidable aliens.  And since children are the best and honest at playing games, the adult command enlists a team of misfit youth to "play" along side Ender in yet another battle of Earth vs Aliens.

Asa Butterfield is the likable and lovable Ender.  This young man was phenomenal!  He showed incredible emotion and intelligence, and held his own next to some of our greatest actors.  Harrison Ford, Viola Davis, and Ben Kingsley are some of these great actors.  Harrison is Colonel Graff, the man who believes in Ender and hand picks him for the fight.  Viola is Major Anderson.  I assume she's a psychiatrist or physiologist who makes sure that the kids can handle the pressure of these war games.  I can't tell you who Ben is without giving something away, but her helps Ender realize his full potential.  Abigail Breslin is Valentine, Ender's sister and motivation.  She is among the many young actors and actresses who do a fantastic job in this movie.

I enjoyed Ender's Game.  It was really long at about 2 hours, but well worth it.  I'm sure it could have been longer to try to get everything in the movie.  I think teenagers and adults alike will get into the action in the movie.  Everyone in the theater with me seemed captivated.  War games usually make for a good movie, but throw in aliens, and tough kids and you have a winner!  Game Over!

Next week:  Thor 2

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