Friday, November 8, 2013

Thor: The Dark World - The Dark Experience

I can't honestly review the movie Thor: The Dark World fully because my movie going experience was a rather dark one.  During the movie which stars the sexy Chris Hemswoth (Thor), my husband, Idris Elba (The guardian), the great Anthony Hopkins (Thor's father), and Natalie Portman (Thor's girlfriend), I dozed off multiple times.  Most of the dozing happened during the action scenes.  I fell asleep during the most action-packed part of the movie at the end.  I'm not sure if I was bored or tired, but you'd think if a movie was truly exciting, I could make it.  But, to no avail.

This movie takes place after the events that occurred during The Avengers and 2 years after the events of the first Thor movie.  There were mentions and nods to both, so make sure you've seen them before watching this.  Basically, some dark elves from a millennia ago wanted to destroy all the light in the 9 worlds or realms by using the Aether, but these dark elves', led by Malekith, plans were foiled by Thor's predecessors.  The present day aligning of the 9 worlds is a perfect time to try again.  One problem is that the Aether is now in Thor's girlfriend, Jane Foster, and he has to enlist his evil and ambitious brother, Loki's help to protect her, destroy the Aether, and the dark elves.  On top of that, Thor has to deal with idea of one day being king, being in love with a human when there's a perfectly good woman from his realm in front of him.  I know, it's a lot.  Maybe I feel asleep because the storyline was too complicated.  Maybe my brain was overloaded and needed to reboot every now and then so it shut down for a minute or three.

Although my eyes were constantly a flutter, I couldn't miss the cast of supporting characters.  Adebisi makes an appearance as Malekith's trusted and monstrous second in command.  I haven't seen him on the screen since "OZ".  Thor's mother, Frigga (Rene Russo), has crazy knife skills.  Don't sleep on her because you might get cut. The comic relief was the often naked or pants-less Dr. Erik and quirky Darcy.  They are a scientist and an intern who work with Jane Foster.  The two brought lots of chuckles and craziness to an already busy yet dark movie.

Was the movie good?  I guess, I don't know.  I was sleeping.  I'm sure it was entertaining, but it's long, and at some point, slow; and let's not forget that complicated storyline.  I couldn't really focus on the movie with the couple next to me talking to each other, and a special needs man talking to the screen.  I will say, that there is more that happens once the credits role that you should stay to see, but I can't really tell you what happens there either because a man and a woman in the theater had a physical altercation during this time.  I assume it's a set up for another Marvel Comic movie.  It wasn't the best experience for me.  I hope yours will be better, and you can tell me what I missed.

Next Week:  The Best Man Christmas

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