Friday, February 28, 2014

Non-stop: Liam Neeson can't be stopped!

After seeing Taken, I'll pretty much watch Liam Neeson in any movie with a him and a weapon.  He's one of the best action-movie heroes of the last two decades.  Liam's quiet-but-deadly demeanor makes for one great movie, movie after movie.  And, Non-Stop is no different.

Liam plays Air Marshall Bill on a flight to London that has been set up by a passenger.  This person is hijacking the plane and framing Bill.  Bill has to try and figure out who's sending threatening text messages, killing passengers, and clear his name all while flying over the Atlantic ocean.  Non-Stop has non-stop action (sorry, I just had to do it).  Bill's hand-to-hand self-protective blows are Matrix level epic.  I mean how do you beat up someone in an airplane bathroom?  You barely have room to relieve yourself let alone disarm someone.  Liam did it, and with such flare.  Loved it!!!

My girl Mary (Michelle Dockery) from Downton Abbey is Nancy, the flight attendant who believes Bill and continuously tries to help him.  Julianne Moore is Jen, a passenger who also tries to help Bill figure out everything.  Lupita Nyong'o makes a brief appearance as well as another flight attendant.  After her success in 12 Years a Slave, she doesn't really need this movie to further her career.  Her career is going to be great despite her small role in Non-Stop.  There are many more characters who keep you guessing until the end.  You are supposed to automatically choose the middle-eastern looking passenger, but that's too obvious.  All are suspects:  the sketchy looking bald headed passenger, the other air marshall; even the co-pilot is capable.  Heck, for even a brief second, I suspected the little girl with the window seat.  Ha!

Non-Stop is definitely my favorite movie so far this year.  Holding my breath, on the edge of my seat, I couldn't catch my breath waiting to see how it was going to end.  And wait until you find out whodunit and why?  It's a trip.  Liam is one tough guy.  You should be very concerned if he's coming after you.  Go see Non-Stop.  Liam won't disappoint you, and neither will Non-Stop.

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