Friday, March 7, 2014

300: Rise of an Empire - More than 300 minutes of BORING and BLOOD!

I'll keep this short.  The movie 300: Rise of an Empire was boring and gory.  It wasn't very good and a huge disappointment to me.  I fell asleep twice, and I wasn't the only one.  A little more than thirty minutes into the movie, the man behind me was snoring, and the guy next to me was curled up next to his boo taking a nap.

I loved 300!  I have it on DVD.  I've seen it one time too many.  There's nothing like a bunch bare-chested men with 6-packs for days slinging a sword around with brute strength.  Unfortunately, this sequel or prequel (I'm still a little confused about that because the movie takes place before, during, and after the events in 300) was trying too hard to make a good story where there really wasn't one.

There were more muscle-bound, sword-slinging men, but they threw a bad-arse chick in the mix who was supposed to be sexy and domineering, but she came off too hard and repulsive.  I was over her, her big hair and bad make-up (I was digging her costume changes), and the movie fifteen minutes after it began.  The opening fight scene was extremely graphic.  It was clear that 300: Rise of an Empire was made for 3D because there was fake blood splatting across the screen throughout the whole movie.  Decapitations and flying arrows were in abundance.  This film was just too savage and gruesome.  Anyone with a weak stomach should not watch.

I won't be watching this movie again.  I'm not recommending it to anyone, but if you do see it and you like it, please tell me why.  Sadly, 300: Rise of an Empire is another example of why you shouldn't make a sequel, especially a long one with a poorly written storyline.

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