Saturday, December 29, 2012

Top 5 movies of 2012 - My list will be way different than the "real" critics

One of the things I'm most happy about in 2012 is starting this blog.  Since I watch movies all the time, I thought I'd share my thoughts with anyone who cared.  Well, after watching 30ish movies this year, I thought I would list my top 5 movies of this year.  My list isn't going to be like any of the critics.  At the end of the day, it's my opinion and my opinion is the only one that matters in this blog.

#5 Django Unchained - It was really hard for me to decide between this and Les Mis because I enjoyed them both, but I feel like I could watch Django many more times that Les Miserables despite some of the gruesome scenes.  Here were my thoughts on the movie:  Django Unchained review

#4 Think Like a Man - The funniest movie of the year to me should definitely be on my list.  Kevin Hart has been making his rounds on the small screen and big screen this year.  He will start 2013 with a new reality show.  His stars are looking up and so was this movie.  Think Like a Man review

#3 Snow White and the Huntsman - Some one told Kristen Stewart she was a good actress and then gave her numerous roles.  This movie by far is her greatest acting role yet.  Snow White and the Huntsman not only had people talking about how great the movie was, but they were also talking about the affair Kristen had with the director which broke up her relationship with her Twilight Saga co-star.  They got back together right before the promotion began for Breaking Dawn Part 2 (coincidence, I think NOT).  Although, I enjoyed Breaking Dawn and sad to see the saga end, I loved Snow White more.  Snow White and The Huntsman Review

#2 Prometheus - You guys should have known a Sci-fi movie with Idris Elba was going to make the list.  The movie was great!  He looked great!  What more can I say?  Oh wait, read this for more:  Prometheus movie review

#1 Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter - It wouldn't be a movie list without a vampire movie on it.  I'm sure as a Twi-hard you'd think my #1 movie choice would be Breaking Dawn Part 2, but nope.  It's Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter.  I loved this movie.  I didn't fall asleep once like I did in that critically acclaimed other Lincoln movie.  Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter review

Oh, and the worst movie of 2012 has to be Mirror, Mirror starring Julia Roberts.  I don't have a review for it because it was before I started this blog, but I will just say that, I left wanting my $6 back and was pissed at Julia for making me suffer through that mess.  I'll forgive her this time.

Anyway, 2012 was full of closure, block-busters, pre-quels, and sequels.  We saw the end of the Dark Knight Trilogy and the Twilight Saga; the beginning of the Hunger Games Trilogy, the start of the Avenger movies, and a better version of a new Spider-man series.  I look forward to what 2013 has to bring and I hope you stay with me while I tell you my thoughts on it all.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Les Misérables - Wait, they were singing!

Everyone's got to broaden their horizons.  You can't do the same thing day in and day out.  You can see the same type of movie every time you go to the theater.  You'll miss out.  I love a great sci-fi, fantasy, suspense, or action/drama, but I also love a great musical too.  My all-time favorite movie is Sound of Music.  Les Misérables is a musical of sorts.  It's more like an opera since they sing 99% of every word, but the acting and drama is so good I almost forget they are singing...almost.

This movie stars Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, Anne Hathaway, and Amanda Seyfried.  Jackman and Hathaway are nominated for Golden Globes for their portrayals in this movie.  And Les Mis, has been nominated for Best comedy or musical too.  I never agree with the awards circuit because I feel like it's all a popularity contest, but I wouldn't be disappointed if this movie brings how an award or two.  It would deserve it.  Hugh Jackman as Jean Valjean is wonderful.  Anne Hathaway will bring tears to your eyes as Fantine.  I think everyone can understand a mother's love through Fantine's struggle.  We love Russell Crowe, just not Russell Crowe's singing.  He's the one negative as Inspector Javert.  He really should stick to action films like Gladiator.  Helena Bonham Carter (you know her from just about any Johnny Depp and/or Tim Burton, her husband, movie) or and Sacha Baron Cohen (yes Borat was there too) had very devious yet comical parts as Mr. and Madame Thenardier.  They too were fantastic!

I've never read the book although it is waiting on my Kindle, and I've never seen it on the stage, but after today, I want to immediately.  I really didn't know much about the plot other than the character's name Jean Valjean; so, I was completely enthralled in the story.  The story of a man trying to do right and change his stars and along the way helping a child of a woman he inadvertently wronged with the French Revolution as its background.  I think if you open your mind and heart to the idea of a movie where everyone sings, yet their emotions are true then I'll think you'll enjoy this one.  It isn't for everyone, but if you'd like a change of pace to your regular movie going experience, then I say go see Les Misérables.  You won't be disappointed.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Django Unchained - Another great Tarantino

I live in NYC and in NY there's something called a Jewish Christmas.  It may be called that in more places than in NY, but we've never heard of such a thing in Texas where I was born and raised.  A Jewish Christmas includes going to the movies and eating Chinese food since those are about the only two things open on Christmas Day.  Well, this Christian here who works at a Jewish Community center is getting in the spirit.  I went to the movies this morning and we are having Hibachi for dinner.  Not Chinese, but close enough.  Although, I intended to see Les Miserable and Django Unchained today, I was only able to see Django (I'm seeing Les Mis tomorrow).  As my aunt keeps saying, "who wants to see a slave movie on Christmas?"  Me and all the other people who filled up the theater this morning.

Django Unchained is another Quentin Tarantino movie.  You know his type of movie is gritty, raw, funny, cheesy, bloody, and a hella good time.  Django definitely fit the bill.  This movie stars Jamie Foxx, Kerry Washington, Don Johnson, Samuel L Jackson, Christopher Waltz, and Leonardo  DiCaprio just to name a few.  Tarantino makes an appearance too as he does in all of his movies.   I don't think anyone is going to win any Academy Awards from this movie even though they act their arses off especially Christopher Waltz as a german bounty hunter, but I do think some will be acknowledged for their portrayals.  

We all love a bad-arse Jamie.  He's quite sexy as a Django (the D is silent).  He may overact a bit, but I'll give him a pass only because it's what you do in an Tarantino movie.  DiCaprio is a great actor.  Who would of thought that of Luke Bower from Growing Pains.  Not I.  He nails the role of Calvin Candie, the Mississippi owner of the third largest plantation.  Kerry Washington's roll as Broomhilda really could have been played by any black actress.  She brought nothing to the table.  Sorry.  She just looked like Olivia Pope (I know, I know, another Scandal reference) in a period costume.  Her role really was minimal, so I'm not going to hold it against her.  

Don Johnson as Big Daddy was great!  The funniest scene in the movie to me was when Big Daddy and his friends decided to put pillow cases over their heads and attack the bounty hunters.  It's hilarious because they can't see through the holes and start to complain about it.  You'll see what I mean when you watch it yourself.  The humor gets lost in explanation.  To me, the best acting really is in Christopher Waltz.  I don't really know anything he's been in except Inglorious Basterds and I never saw it, but I can understand why he has numerous awards for that role.  He was simply excellent in the movie and my favorite character.

This movie isn't about slaves and oppression which is good because I spent all weekend watching Roots. (BET had the whole series on TV over the weekend.)  It was quite the opposite.  This movie is about redemption.  Getting back at the white man, outsmarting the white man, killing a hell of a lot of white men, and being a hero to the woman you love.  Jamie Foxx as Django is saved by a bounty hunter who needs his help to collect a bounty.  After the collection, they decide to work together to make enough money to find out where Django's wife, Broomhilda, is and buy her freedom.  Once they find her, they scheme to get her back from Candie-land owned by DiCaprio's character.  The "Uncle Tom" type character played by Sam Jackson foils their plans and all hell breaks loose.  I won't tell you how it ends, but you'll be pleasantly surprised.  I enjoyed this movie, but I typically enjoy most Quentin Tarantino movies.  Kill Bill vol 1 & 2 are my favorites of his.  I think if you go into the theater with an open mind, I think you'll enjoy it too.

Friday, December 21, 2012

This is 40 - If this is 40, then maybe we all should just die at 39

There's been a lot of buzz about the movies coming out Christmas Day.  Les Miserables and Django Unchained will probably get the top spots that day, but don't sleep on This is 40, out a week earlier.  It's not a cinematic masterpiece or gut-wrenching movie.  What it is, is a gripping look at an adult couple going through life the way most people do.  It doesn't sugar-coat marriage or being a parent.  This movie shows you how much life can suck and how awesome it can be.

This is 40 is a squeal spin-off to Knocked Up written, directed and produced by Judd Apatow.  The movie stars Paul Rudd and Leslie Mann.  Paul plays Pete a man who is married with two duaghters to Debbie (Leslie), and the story centers around the week of their 40th birthdays which happens to be days apart.  Paul is the owner of a fledgling record label and Debbie owns a clothing store, run by Megan Fox.  Between the two businesses and a mooching father-in-law, they are in a financial bind.  They also have to deal with an emotional, hormonal teen-aged daughter in Sadie and a very adorable albeit a little too grown younger daugher, Charlotte.

I'm a divorced 33-year-old woman without children and life definitely has had it's dark moments.  I can only imagine what it would be like with a husband and two kids.  I think this movie gives me a pretty good idea.  Having to find time to spend with your spouse; deciding when and how to fight your kids' battles; how to help your aging parents; and, how to keep yourself happy in the process.  There are many laugh out loud moments right from the beginning, but there were also those moments when you really felt for them and took a second to think how would you handle this situation.  If you are married, it may help you feel better about your situation, and if you're not, it may help you decide if this is something you really want out of life.  Lucky for me, I still have a few more years before I hit 40 and reach this place.  I really enjoyed this take on a real life.  Usually, I don't like comedies or anything that's too real, but this was a good departure from my regular creatures, bullets, and/or bombs.  I'll get back to the fantasy stuff next week.

Friday, December 14, 2012

The Hobbit - Does it have to be so LONG?

I love a great fantasy movie like the next girl, but I'ma need Peter Jackson to learn how to get his point across in under 2 hours.  He makes wonderful movies as we all know from watching the long arse Lord of the Rings triology, but I really need him to get it together.  No one wants to sit at the movie theater for 3 hours for EACH of your films MAN (in my Smokey voice) like I did watching The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey!

I'm not sure if it's the length of the movie, the amount of dialogue during some of the lengthy scenes, or the fact that I was up late on Facebook discussing Scandal (Still not watching?  You're a fool!), but I dozed off several times.  Don't get me wrong, when the action is going, it's great!  There are dwarves fighting trolls, and dwarves fighting gigantic tiger-like creatures, and a hobbit fighting some monstrous humanoid brute; plus there was fighting with goblins, not to mention the fire-breathing dragon that's really the reason for this whole movie.  BUT, it's still a little dry when all that isn't happening.

Now, some of our favorite characters from the Lord of the Rings make appearances to perk us up and keep our attention.  Gandolf played by the great Ian McKellen of course is there putting this adventure together.  Frodo Baggins (Elijah Woods) makes a brief showing.  Gollum shows his creepy yet lovable face talking to his precious self.  Our elvin friends are there too:  Hugo Weaving as Elrond, Cate Blanchett as Galadriel, and Christopher Lee and Suraman, although I think he's a wizard.

To keep it short, under 3 minutes, Bilbo (Ian Holm) decides to write down and tell Frodo the story of one if his adventures and how he finds THE ring.  The story begins when Gandolf recruits a younger Biblo (Martin Freeman) to help him and 13 dwarves take back their home which sits in a mountain that has been taken over by a dragon.  On their journey, they encounter all those goblins, trolls, elves, and other creatures that I told you about earlier.  Despite the length of the movie, you are left wanting more when it gets to the end and you (SPOILER ALERT) realize that the story isn't even close to being over and there is going to be another movie.  Anyone who knows Peter Jackson would know that there'd be more than one.

I must say, I was glad when it was over, and although I enjoyed the action, I left thinking, maybe it'll get better.  That's how I felt about the Lord of the Rings.  I didn't really enjoy it until the 3rd movie and even then, it was better when I saw it again at home on the tv.  Probably because I could pause and do other things when I needed to do so, and you can't do that at the theater.  Let's hope The Hobbit picks up, or I'll need to make sure I get a good night's sleep next time.

SN:  If Magneto and Gandolf (both played by Ian McKellen) got into a fight, who would win?  Ok, I'm done.